My old gear lever was damaged pretty bad during the night trail at Kemensah.

A new gear lever from Demak will cost me RM25, and this used item taken out of Yamaha YZ125 cost me RM130! Its made of alloy and quite strong. And the tip can be bent so no more damaged gear lever after this I hope.

Also, the brake lever need a replacement. After countless fall, the lever was bent and the brake piston is jammed making the bike super heavy to push around.

Replaced it with a Panther lever. Now no more problem.

A proper hand guard from Racing Boy to complete the new parts.

And the bike is on the way to JB now. Posted it by train yesterday. Hopefully can take it at JB tomorrow.

And finally, my kasut raya! Need some proper training to get used to the crammed,tight boot. Need to soften the leather too. Its hard as hell to change gear with the boots on!

I am already half way to JB now. At Malacca at the moment. Semester gonna start next week. Its gonna be a fun semester this time. New car; Neo, bike in proper condition, and others. Hopefully can score another Dean List like last semester.
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