Anyway, asked the foreman to tighten up a bit the chain coz it had been too loose. Maybe due to too much offroad activity.
Changed my cable plug to Split Fire brand. Now the bike can be started with just one crank. Nothing much improvement on the acceleration.

Changed the grip to a softer one. The grip felt nice on my hand. Tested it on the track today. In fact it is too grip maybe until it tear up my new glove LOL.

As for today's activity, I finally met up with my new friends. The group is called Nimota Club. Well most of them are using Nimota Ranger, but the group is open to anyone especially in Johore Bahru region. Quite an active club. Today's session take place somewhere near the Giant Skudai. Cant pinpoint the exact location since I am #noob with JB area especially the place name. The place is great. It has a track layout which they had make and there is still plenty of space to explore.

The bike did very well on loose sand and mud due to its offroad tire feature and also a very short gear ratio especially the first and second. Manage to learn to control the bike on loose sand. I am talking bout going sideways with the bike.
Went with them to explore the new area. The new area provide more challenge. I ate a lot of mud today thanks to the swamp. Will definitely need a proper shoe/boot for offroad. Also a knee guard.

On the way back we decided to stop by at car wash to clean up the bike and also a workshop. I have my first oil change there. Mileage had clocked 400km but they advise to change it earlier. The oil change was supposed to be the first thing to be done when taking up the bike. The factory oil was super thin compare to other engine oil. Throttle felt lighter after the oil change. Also lubed up the chain.
Overall, I think going offroad is much more challenging than drifting. Dont get me wrong, I still love drifting, it just consume more money on tires and maintenance compare to going offroad. Cant wait for tomorrow session!