Sunday, August 2, 2009

Malaysia? Democracy?

Thanks to the big gathering yesterday, the road was super fuckin jammed. Why? Police had set up a large scale roadblock nearly at every exit to KL. ISA? Internal Security Act? Or is it as usual, Ikut Suka Aku?

Me? I have no objection on the ISA thingy, BUT I disagree with the corrupted peoples that are using it without no objection from others. And more, the G itselfs is a corrupted group. Cronies, cronies and more cronies. I bet most of y'all had seen some minister's son/daughter at club, drinkin every beer available and etc, etc etc. And you call yourself a Muslim? Yeah yeah. See you on the Judgement Day soon.

Im sick of it. Dato' title went to the most corrupted people, cronies, and etc. That is far more worse than racist thingy. And when it come to democracy, isnt a large scale gathering to show objection should be taken into G's account? Or is the G is afraid of losing their position or to be precise, their corrupted money, rich & famous life?

Ohh please~

Anyway, if the protester are unarmed, what should FRU & police afraid of? Democracy? Hah, if you ask me, Malaysia belongs to UMNO and cronies.. Yep. Definitely~

Some pics copied from wargamaya.

Seperti dijangka Gerakan Anti-ISA tidak bertempur dengan PRO-ISA tetapi bertempur dengan FRU. FRU berjaya menghalang Anti-ISA ke Istana Negara apabila seperti biasa menghalang dengan pancutan iar water canon dan asap pemedih mata.

Ribuan pendemo berarak ke jalanan
Jangan salah faham k,siram pokok bunga tu.Air dia pedih gila.....!!!
Ini bukan di Palestin bukan di Iraq dan bukan di Amerika.....Sendiri mau ingat la bro
Makan asap la......pejuang melontar balik bom asap kearah FRU
Lari....lari....lari Anjing kelaparan mau gigit
Bergelumang dgn SB tu bro
Walaupun disembur dgn water canon n bom asap kami tak lari 3suku cakap 1000 orang ajer
Kahkahkah.....padam muka korang semua......Najib marah berdemo hampa nk jg......ambik kau..!!


asuramaru™ said...

FRU mmg l****u....
diorang x de wat salah pape pun....
xde pon diorang bwk sebarang senjata or anything can harmed people.....
diorang pun berkumpul secara aman...
mmg l****u ah G nih.....
PRO-ISA kumpul xde pape...
yang anti-ISA ni la kene abes....
mmg gua panas nih bro.....

p/s : sori luah perasaan kat blog ko... xp

Da Devil said...

yea bro...i oso stuck in the jam...haiz..

Intan A. Shah said...

sakit ati kan???
aku pun berpeluh la kete...

hampeh t0l d0rg ni.. ingt kat iraq ke ape.. ay0.... apalahhh

Intan A. Shah said...

lam kete*

Jaguh said...

Hehe adat merusuh ar.. Negara mana pun kalau ada perhimpunan mesti polis tembak air, tembak asap, tembak peluru getah, Sekeh kepala sesorang, etc.. Tak kan ar nak belai, cium mulut sesorang.. dowg rosakan harta awam, menyebap kesesakan jalan raya, Bagi pasaran saham merosot, etc..

Every bold action has a cause kan.. Kalau drift berani, langgar tayar/tiang/terbalik pun kena brani ar.. Sama mcm merusuh, berani merusuh, berani ar masuk lokap/lebam/berdarah/sakit badan, etc..

Intan.. Boleh bepeluh dalam keter ?? naik olskool ker ?? hehe, kalau nek olskool, jam ker tak jam sama jer basah ketiak aku haha..


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