Sunday, November 27, 2011
My KX125.
Cant be more happy today coz its time to take it home! Will do some detailed writing soon bout the bike. In the mean time, really enjoyed riding the 2-stroke + light bike.

1983 KX 125,

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Bike's gonna be in the workshop for another week for all around check up. Its okay. Better one shot rather than few times problem.
Custom chain guard from Kriss.

Used timing belt as the 'bullet' for second chain guard.

And just noticed that the rims are made in Japan yawww. DID yawww. No Taiwan or China bullshit yawww. And the rim's feature a tube-lock to hold the tube if it is punctured. And I still can get out of the woods with a punctured tube with the lock. And Kenda tire; which is one of the premium brand for off-road tire and cost a bomb too.

Radiator's been painted. Looks nice. Also the head had been skimmed and all gasket and oil seal had been replaced. No major damage luckily. Frame gonna be sprayed too. Gonna need to replace the rear absorber too. Oh, the handle bar comes from Renthal. Another original stuff yawww.
Custom chain guard from Kriss.

Used timing belt as the 'bullet' for second chain guard.

And just noticed that the rims are made in Japan yawww. DID yawww. No Taiwan or China bullshit yawww. And the rim's feature a tube-lock to hold the tube if it is punctured. And I still can get out of the woods with a punctured tube with the lock. And Kenda tire; which is one of the premium brand for off-road tire and cost a bomb too.

Radiator's been painted. Looks nice. Also the head had been skimmed and all gasket and oil seal had been replaced. No major damage luckily. Frame gonna be sprayed too. Gonna need to replace the rear absorber too. Oh, the handle bar comes from Renthal. Another original stuff yawww.

1983 KX 125,

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Second service at the Skudai Lube Bay. Till the warranty period is over, I have to stick to the official service center in order to have my warranty valid. And its expensive, RM170 per service. Hmm.

Satria Neo,
satria neo cps

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Gosh, how I miss the car. Its a fun car to drive. I wonder what happened to the left bonnet area?
Photo taken by Yap K. Wong.

Photo taken from Kean Yap.
Photo taken by Yap K. Wong.

Photo taken from Kean Yap.

Toyota KE70

Sepah The Movie.
There are other photos but here's some photos from the official photographer for this film.

Smallest of em all!

Ready, set, GO!

These awesome photos were shot by Amsyar Nazar.

Smallest of em all!

Ready, set, GO!

These awesome photos were shot by Amsyar Nazar.
Sepah The Movie

Same year model like my KX, and I am hoping the bike gonna be ready by this weekend. Hope so.
1983 KX 125,

Neo and Neo.
Photostat! Actually, one of it belongs to my brother. He's driving a newer one and his car is Auto tranny and mine is Manual tranny. Well, it is quite fun when there's two same car around. One can compare to each other on what's wrong or missing especially when it comes to Protong.

Guess what? My bro's Neo is missing some screws, handbrake cover and also the seat puller! And the engine is producing weird noise, something like 'tappet' noise (New engine ada tappet ke?). Such quality product from Bolehland. Mine clocked 7000km+ already while his car clocked 1000km+ only. Yeah, his campus is at Cyberjaya only, so hence, low milage.

And yes, the Neo will not be modified. I am satisfied the way it perform. For now. Handling is at its best even at its stock form. Very satisfying. The car guzzle petrol not that efficient by the way.
Manual > Auto for this car.

Guess what? My bro's Neo is missing some screws, handbrake cover and also the seat puller! And the engine is producing weird noise, something like 'tappet' noise (New engine ada tappet ke?). Such quality product from Bolehland. Mine clocked 7000km+ already while his car clocked 1000km+ only. Yeah, his campus is at Cyberjaya only, so hence, low milage.

And yes, the Neo will not be modified. I am satisfied the way it perform. For now. Handling is at its best even at its stock form. Very satisfying. The car guzzle petrol not that efficient by the way.
Manual > Auto for this car.
satria neo cps

New Header.
No idea what to change, so a new header should do for now. Gosh, I miss my camera. Haven't been using it for awhile now. Original photo of the header is this one. Random search at Mr Google.

Kiwisaki III.
Some pose during Raya with my dear. Everyone went back to kampung except me and my brother. And did you know the bike is freakingly tall? Almost 3/4 my height.

Sporting enough to dirty up a bit her dress to pose with the bike.

New handguard that gonna be fitted on the bike.

And also finally after keeping some money, I bought an off-road pants to complete up my collection. Gosh, why must the pants be that expensive.

Well, that's that. Enough rants for now.

Sporting enough to dirty up a bit her dress to pose with the bike.

New handguard that gonna be fitted on the bike.

And also finally after keeping some money, I bought an off-road pants to complete up my collection. Gosh, why must the pants be that expensive.

Well, that's that. Enough rants for now.
1983 KX 125,
Thor pants

Kiwisaki II.
So, on the Raya Aidiladha, decided to test the bike on our usual trail route. Sg. Long-Semenyih route. Bike is powerful, and I noticed some stuffs that need to be taken care such as the need for me to top up water in the radiator and also leakage on some of the engine parts.

Only finished some route due to two bikes that had trouble with their chain. So we decided to went back coz its only two of us left. Another problem with the bike is that there's no stand to hold the bike (Its a race bike), and also the idling is not consistent.

The next day I decided to have another shot again with them Kajang Dirt Bike Team.

It has the power and the light chassis is very very fun. Easily can pull up the bike whenever I want. And not to mention, it has a very good fuel consumption too despite being a two stroke bike. From Bandar Teknologi to Connaught (20km approx), it only cost me RM3 of fuel.
Pose with the bike.

Take five in the woods.

No stand mean I had to put it on other's bike. Tumpang Kasih Sayang as in our term. Noticed that I had not removed the plastic that wrap up the seat.

Steeeeeeep downhill. Not only it is steep, also slippery due to the rainy weather.


Last rest point before we hit back the civilization.

And I went straight to Bandar Teknologi again to the bike shop. Its time to rebuild the bike. From the cover set, to the engine, and also replacing the bushes and bearings.
Strip up!

10 minutes later. Foreman told me that the bike is using an aftermarket exhaust system. Must cost a fortune to buy it if it is new. Something from Kawasaki Racing Team, oh I forgot the name of it.

Only finished some route due to two bikes that had trouble with their chain. So we decided to went back coz its only two of us left. Another problem with the bike is that there's no stand to hold the bike (Its a race bike), and also the idling is not consistent.

The next day I decided to have another shot again with them Kajang Dirt Bike Team.

It has the power and the light chassis is very very fun. Easily can pull up the bike whenever I want. And not to mention, it has a very good fuel consumption too despite being a two stroke bike. From Bandar Teknologi to Connaught (20km approx), it only cost me RM3 of fuel.
Pose with the bike.

Take five in the woods.

No stand mean I had to put it on other's bike. Tumpang Kasih Sayang as in our term. Noticed that I had not removed the plastic that wrap up the seat.

Steeeeeeep downhill. Not only it is steep, also slippery due to the rainy weather.


Last rest point before we hit back the civilization.

And I went straight to Bandar Teknologi again to the bike shop. Its time to rebuild the bike. From the cover set, to the engine, and also replacing the bushes and bearings.
Strip up!

10 minutes later. Foreman told me that the bike is using an aftermarket exhaust system. Must cost a fortune to buy it if it is new. Something from Kawasaki Racing Team, oh I forgot the name of it.

1983 KX 125,
Kajang Dirtbike Team,
Sg.Long trail

So, as you all knew, I sold off my Demak for a used Kawasaki KX125. Believed to be the 1984 model, the bike is now going a restoration process. Much like my previous KE70 had been through. Restored and abused.
Power is there, suspension is good. The exterior is not good. So thus the leaking and whatsoever.

Got all my necessary stuffs for the restoration of the bike at my friend's shop. Custom cover set with a fuel tank and also a seat. Since I cannot source out the NOS of the 1984 cover set, I decided to go with this set.

A new helmet and goggle to match up the bike's color. Only LS2 brand. Only bought what I could afford no?

All my stuffs. Some of it had been sold to fund up the new bike. One Industry jersey, and also a MHR racing glove to live up the new bike's spirit!

Replaced the front bearing, brake pads, serviced the front fork and also serviced the carburetor as it was always overflow due to empty fuel tank.

Adjusted the KIPS system so that the power valve open a bit early. Leaking here and there from the o-ring and gaskets. Gonna replaced all of em!

Brought the bike to the bike's ex-owner who have a welding shop to fit custom brackets for the new cover set. The chassis is very simple and easy to removed.

Unfortunately I cannot use the fuel tank because the fuel tank is meant for delta-box chassis and mine is not delta-box (Outside frame). So force fit the seat with the old tank and the rear side cover and its tail. The mudguard, the front plate and side tank cover had not been fitted yet. Will do it together with the engine restoration.
Power is there, suspension is good. The exterior is not good. So thus the leaking and whatsoever.

Got all my necessary stuffs for the restoration of the bike at my friend's shop. Custom cover set with a fuel tank and also a seat. Since I cannot source out the NOS of the 1984 cover set, I decided to go with this set.

A new helmet and goggle to match up the bike's color. Only LS2 brand. Only bought what I could afford no?

All my stuffs. Some of it had been sold to fund up the new bike. One Industry jersey, and also a MHR racing glove to live up the new bike's spirit!

Replaced the front bearing, brake pads, serviced the front fork and also serviced the carburetor as it was always overflow due to empty fuel tank.

Adjusted the KIPS system so that the power valve open a bit early. Leaking here and there from the o-ring and gaskets. Gonna replaced all of em!

Brought the bike to the bike's ex-owner who have a welding shop to fit custom brackets for the new cover set. The chassis is very simple and easy to removed.

Unfortunately I cannot use the fuel tank because the fuel tank is meant for delta-box chassis and mine is not delta-box (Outside frame). So force fit the seat with the old tank and the rear side cover and its tail. The mudguard, the front plate and side tank cover had not been fitted yet. Will do it together with the engine restoration.

1983 KX 125,

Busy Busy.
Blergh. Failed to wrote some updates during the holiday. As usual, mid term is approaching. It means a lot of assignment that need to be done and submitted, projects that need to be completed and its wearing me out!
Life's been fun and great. Thanks to my dear for making it happen.
Life's been fun and great. Thanks to my dear for making it happen.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Two days straight on offroad session! More photos later.

1983 KX 125,
Sg.Long trail

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Minor Repair.
Changed the front bearing, brake pads and more problem that need to be taken care of. So another day in the shop.

1983 KX 125,

Friday, November 4, 2011
Goodbye Demak DMX-R.
Sold off my bike to a buddy in Kajang. Still within the Kajang Dirt Bike Team. Gonna miss it. Bought at RM6000 and the resale value after 6 freaking months? RM2500 at bike shop. Damn fucktard right? Luckily my friend offer to take it.
Last pose before departing with the bike. Left the bike at KTM behind City Square and it reached Kajang in two days.
Some random photos with the bike. Actually there's a lot of photos during the shooting of Sepah the Movie. Kinda lazy to upload it. Here's Shuaib of Sepah trying the bike.
Early in the morning before shooting started.
Ready for action!
I do feel bad for them because I sell off the bike in the middle of continue of film shooting. But if I did not let it go, I'll not have the Kiwisaki. Tough decision.

Last pose before departing with the bike. Left the bike at KTM behind City Square and it reached Kajang in two days.

Some random photos with the bike. Actually there's a lot of photos during the shooting of Sepah the Movie. Kinda lazy to upload it. Here's Shuaib of Sepah trying the bike.

Early in the morning before shooting started.

Ready for action!

I do feel bad for them because I sell off the bike in the middle of continue of film shooting. But if I did not let it go, I'll not have the Kiwisaki. Tough decision.
Demak DMX R,
Sepah The Movie

Goodies Goodies.
Went back to KL today for Raya Haji holiday. Sadly, its just three days of holidays. Damn it. And its also consider as our semester break. Too short to enjoy the break. Hargh.
Anyway, some goodies I brought back to KL today. Both of the helmets are sold. My boot had been repaired. The Thor boot also sold. New glove, jersey and off road pants in case there is off road activity in KL this weekend.
Stop by at Kluang to pick up more stuffs that had been ordered. Green jersey, green goggle, and green helmet for me!
Cant afford to buy those expensive helmet so I'll stick with my budget limit. As long as it is green.
A complete cover set for the KX125! Gonna fit it tomorrow. Cant wait to see the result!
New toy that need attention.
More progress tomorrow I guess.
Anyway, some goodies I brought back to KL today. Both of the helmets are sold. My boot had been repaired. The Thor boot also sold. New glove, jersey and off road pants in case there is off road activity in KL this weekend.

Stop by at Kluang to pick up more stuffs that had been ordered. Green jersey, green goggle, and green helmet for me!

Cant afford to buy those expensive helmet so I'll stick with my budget limit. As long as it is green.

A complete cover set for the KX125! Gonna fit it tomorrow. Cant wait to see the result!

New toy that need attention.

More progress tomorrow I guess.
1983 KX 125,
cover set,
LS2 helmet,
One Industry jersey

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