Only finished some route due to two bikes that had trouble with their chain. So we decided to went back coz its only two of us left. Another problem with the bike is that there's no stand to hold the bike (Its a race bike), and also the idling is not consistent.

The next day I decided to have another shot again with them Kajang Dirt Bike Team.

It has the power and the light chassis is very very fun. Easily can pull up the bike whenever I want. And not to mention, it has a very good fuel consumption too despite being a two stroke bike. From Bandar Teknologi to Connaught (20km approx), it only cost me RM3 of fuel.
Pose with the bike.

Take five in the woods.

No stand mean I had to put it on other's bike. Tumpang Kasih Sayang as in our term. Noticed that I had not removed the plastic that wrap up the seat.

Steeeeeeep downhill. Not only it is steep, also slippery due to the rainy weather.


Last rest point before we hit back the civilization.

And I went straight to Bandar Teknologi again to the bike shop. Its time to rebuild the bike. From the cover set, to the engine, and also replacing the bushes and bearings.
Strip up!

10 minutes later. Foreman told me that the bike is using an aftermarket exhaust system. Must cost a fortune to buy it if it is new. Something from Kawasaki Racing Team, oh I forgot the name of it.

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