So today is the day that I finally cannot stand the petrol smell inside the car. No more! I cant stand it. So, where else, I head to Jeembo's Garage (JMG) as usual to get some treatment by their foreman. Arrived, they were working with other car, so I head to a tire shop nearby JMG. I had became their regular customer when it comes to finding tires. LOL.
Basically, I had bought all their second-hand 15' tires for this month. And I got another 2 from their last stock. Muahahaha. Good deeds helpin them clearing their shop. Kekekeke. OK, so I had tried different sizes for Rolla. My front set is using 195/50/15 coz need to clear the fender when turning, while rear size I had tried a few different sizes. From 195/60/15 used in MARDI last week and my Rolla abit tall at the back and scrapping rear arch sometimes, 195/55/15 is my usual sizes for rear, and the latest one is 185/55/15 which make it a bit 'baloon' or hippari. Since all the rims are 7j, mix and matching the sizes makes it easy for me to guess the correct size for fender clearance.
More stocks for this weekend drift. Nyum. The shop's name. Hi Speed Tyre Services Sdn Bhd. Workers are very friendly. Pricing.. Still moderate charges. Hmm hmm. Recommended if you want a friendly and fast tyre service. Tried the Oni in front. What do you guys think? I think.. Fugly. Need to be a rear set. Hehehe. So, asked them to put back my Fondmetal set for front. Thick spacer for front to counter the pussy offset. Hahaha. Back to JMG, show them the leakage. The red hose is meant for air gun. Duhh. Dunno why previous owner used it for fuel hose. Man, the foreman replaced it with used BMW fuel hose. And done! No more leakage and smell. Also, spotted this at JMG. Hmmm! 14 x 8.5 I think. This KE70 is the one I snapped few months back. Tires also special size and freakin expensive.
Nehh, just some random title. Got this freakin awesome emblem actually for my Rolla.
Awesomeness or too much to tell someone behind me?
Nice oh? Nice? Well, I like it. Really suit Rolla! And some spare tires for some fun later.
And finally, after Mike checking out Rolla today, it is confirmed that Rolla's using not only S13 adjustable suspension (Mine is JIC Magic) and brake disc, but also the lower arm of S13. Power steering too from it I guess?
The problem with S13 thingy into Corolla KE70 is, you'll most likely suffering from lack of angle due to wide stance. And that's what me and the SR20DE KE70 owner faced. Need to do some proper alignment job, and because of that too, my maximum camber angle with pillow ball is just -2 to -3 only. Mike told me that if I am using AE86 stuffs, most probably the maximum camber angle is -6!
Need to use the camber ring or something to adjust more camber. Steering biscuit can ah? Drift House is selling it. Hmm.
OK, so today I woke up reallly late. Around 4pm. Its been awhile since I have a good sleep. And today is the day I wanted to wake up late. Actually Din the Longchamp called me and woke me up. So, his car is done overhauling and he told me that they (Din and his workshop friends) are going to MAEPS today for some fun. Me, still sleepy, not excited at all coz I am saving my tires for next Saturday event. More infos coming bout next week event. Really excited to go for it next week.
Then, nothing to do at all actually, so texted Din telling him I am on my way already. Also bring up my new helmet and shoe in case someone invited me to have a shotgun ride. Arrived, Wanbra of Feinto D told me that the first 10 cars that arrived got a free entrance.
The little devil inside me told me that "WHY NOT?" Hahahaha.
Earlier, after got back from the trip, I managed to swap my rear tires with a used but good condition set of tires. Instead of me saving up for next week, I used it up today. Okay, back to my report of the day today..
Parked up my car with them, and unload all the stuffs I got inside the car. Luckily I bring along my helmet and shoes. Among the earliest we are, even though we use the same Corolla, this four Corolla is powered by four different engines!
The right one is powered by 2T engine!
The second one? SR20DE power house!
Okay we skipped mine coz basically its a mess in the engine bay, and hop on to the last one is....
Din's 'new' engine! Anyway, anyone interested to have this photo as a wallpaper? More photos of the new engine. Forgot whether the engine was fully overhauled or top overhauled. Anyhow, the work done by the mechanic is good. Really clean!
The mystery of this engine are finally revealed. Block is from GZE while the rest are Black Top stuffs. No wonder the power is different from others. Ported and the rest I forgot this time. Hehehe.
And I tested the car. Power wise... No comment. Better than mine honestly. The power is always there while mine start after 2.5k RPM. I have a lil lagg only from the turbo. Thanks to the small snail, short piping route and small inter cooler I think.
I CANT drift Din's car anymore! Despite the power is there, I cannot make it sideways and cannot hold the drift anymore. Damn. That is 'my first drift car' for a year over, but now I cannot drift it. Someone told me that the reason I cannot drift it because I am already comfortable to the turbo power from my engine, so downgrading to N/A makes me a shitty noob back! Argh, cant accept the truth. Hehehe. And, Din's using AD07 now! Wohoo. Super grippy when I tested it. Damn nice. I am thinking of getting some Falken Ziex only for next week event.
And time for me to test some dry layout of MAEPS. To me, dry layout is the hardest surface ever. Plus I dont have spare tires and I am sticking to my principe of '4k RPM is my max rev' make it much harder.
Here I am posing with Rolla. Testing out the new helmet. Gosh, the sky is so blue in the photo. Love it. See, no other cars. We are sooo early till we can go in and out of the track without the needs to queue up or wait.
Lucky number today is '5' with X mark of 'not drifting today'. Last time was 4. Supposedly I got number 4, but they gave me the form that's for no 5, so I just took it. Some shots with the track view.
To be honest, the track's surface is pretty bad now. Talked to Jane & Mike today, they also agreed with it. Most of the holes on the surface were touched up with cement. That make it slippery at one point and then rough back. Some more, the road is not level anymore. Y'all can see from my recording after this. Camera shake is equal of me bumping inside the car.
Okay, so here's my first few laps while warming up for the day. Dry layout definitely is not for me.
And sometimes, you spun. So did I. And here it is!
And then, there's a problem of the day. I cannot started the car! After 10 minutes of trying, manage to start it and bring it back to the pit. Y'all can listen to the engine's sound. Something is definitely wrong with Rolla.
Few friends tried to source and they were a great help that time. Till the sky became dark, problem still not solved.
Damn, this picture is super nice. No flash, but the high ISO bonus, adequate lighting and the color really striking up. I love my 50D!
And finally, found it. The source was a loose cable plug. Damn it. So, I took some rubber tape, and they taped and sealed up the current leakage along my cable plug. And as usual, Rolla's behave like usual again!
Some night run. Anyone noticed the vibration? That's is the road condition currently. I hope they will take some action and fix the road surface back. The wearing course and binder course is damaged already. And now what's left is the road base! Pfft. Showing off some of my Civil subject knowledge. LOL.
And finally. Mike invited me for a shotgun ride in its freaking fast Goat!
Overall, Starlet is pretty quick with 4AGE compare to KE70 with 4AGE. When switching line, the KP61 did it pretty quick and responsive, but to maintain the drift, Mike kinda struggle with it. I guess that's the drawback of short wheelbase machine. Anyway again, good experience riding with others. Especially with someone that is love to share their knowledge and info like Mike!
Finally, some interior shots of the Goat. Very neat, simple and clean. Ooo I want this kind of gadgets!
Newly installed cut off switch. Nice-ness.
And that's all for today. Overall, new experience with Rolla on dry layout, some more free entrance, and Din and friends were helpful as usual, and others were nice too. Time to sleep now~
First of all, congratulation to Zamil for getting his first ride or should I say, his first drift machine ever. Manage to stop by at his home yesterday to have a peek. Tested out the car and was checking out the car. Overall, a very good buy and of course too powerful for a 17 years old kid to handle. Hahaha. You know that teenagers tend to drive like crazy shit nowadays.
OK, so I know I am in my early 20s so I am not a teen anymore. Hahahahaha. But hey, I never exceed 120km/h in my Corolla and this kid already did it. See see. That's what I am talking about. Hahaha. No heart feeling ya bro? :P
So, here's the car and the owner. Manage to grab from him.
Ok now, lets see the power house of the car. Guess what's inside?
It is a 4AGE 20 valve Black Top! Powerful enough for a 1.6l engine (160-170 hp?)but the only question that I have is why this Blacktop is using MAF Sensor instead of MAP?
And.. Here's some photos I snapped the other day.
Some tweak and replacement here and there, and this car is ready for some drift action for sure. Overall, a really bargain deal. Good luck to him.
Anyway, I knew that most of you really hate kids like me that is spoiled by parents. Hahaha. Me myself knew I am spoiled sometimes. I changed my opinion this time. Since I am in my early 20s, I can see that teens nowadays are too 'early' getting this kind of vehicle, in my case, a drift machine. Hahaha. But in the end, the purpose of the machine decide it all.
If the purpose is to fuckin show off and brag here and there, and drive like idiots and most of the time, they would likely banged somewhere and something, then definitely you sucks. That's spoiled. But if the purpose is to learn, and to do something useful and there's benefits when doing it, I think that is learning tools. And its better than taking drug, or rempit-ing. Just like me, I enjoyed learning bout Rolla. There's still a lot to learn from em. Just my opinion.
And finally, Zamil got a new blog. Can check out here for his Corolla adventure there. Good luck and all the best to him.
I really should be posting bout the Japan trip, but 3000+ photos make me lazy to do it! Hahaha.
Celica RA25 from Aoshima. Standard/body wide kit include. 2000 GT-R from Fujimi. Including complete engine, and standard/body wide kit include. Hakosuka from Aoshima. Stock with Longchamp rims.
Open price start at RM170. Highest offer win. If too expensive, don't buy it. I will assemble it myself and add up to my display collection.
Well actually not just Japan, but also China and Korea. But I am only excited with the Japan part, hence the trip I called it Japan Trip. Kekeke. Will try to update it during the trip as I am bringing my laptop with me.
Some prep photos..
All cars were kept inside the garage. The 3345 family.
Last minute packing. Manage to spent RM1000 in one hour just for the trip. Kekeke. Last minute coz I am busy with test and assignments.
Also bought this MP3 player to keep me company during flight hour.
When I am too busy with assignments and exams, I'll hook up with one song. And this time, its from Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody. Catchy, weird, and makes me 'high' during studying.
While waiting for my friend to showed up today to trade the front lip for an exhaust, I did a few run at Karunmas. Nothing much. Just 3rd gear as usual.
Hehehe. The title sounds a bit gayish. Anyway, I am pretty busy with assignments and due to the fact that my final examinations are around the corner, 2 more weeks. And yes, next week I am going to Japan and Korea. Wohoo, a bit excited yet at the same time I am quite worry about my exam and etc.
Anyway, today decided to check out the power steering fluid and found out it was almost empty. So I bought this power steering fluid from a local spare part shop and top it up. And finally, my front lip were traded with this exhaust. Gosh I love bent tips at the end of an exhaust. Question is, does it suitable for my car? And is it loud? It is quite long and according to the owner, the brand is 5zigen and it is suitable for turbo instead of N/A.
Here's a scale of my phone and the exhaust's length. Dunno the truth but I'll try to fit it in maybe tomorrow or on Sunday. Tomorrow I gotta do some shopping for my UTM's Grand Dinner for seniors. I need to suit up and need to be as handsome as I can. LOL.
And here's the exhaust on previous car. Does it looks good?
Nothing much. Just today after I got an SMS from Mike telling me that the brown soil is actually acidic, I rushed back home and took Rolla to a carwash. Hahahaha. I thought I can preserve the dirt as a memory. Kekekeke.
The workers took some time to remove the dirt.
Walla. Done! Here's my daily VS my weekend ride. But both were parked at home. Hahaha. I am driving my mom's Jazz this week. Kinda want some comfort and speed plus fuel efficiency. So took Mom's car to the college.
Anyway, a friend of mine today asked me where was my front lip. I told him that it detached again for the fourth time. So he made this offer, I swap my front lip for this exhaust. Wohohohoho. Which get me excited coz I love bent tip exhaust. The questions are; is it quiet or loud? As my current one is quite 'silent' and how inch is my current piping and the new exhaust is? Hopefully tomorrow can meet him and take it.
So, finally after a few times got invited to try Rolla at MAEPS, I finally decide to go. Hahaha. Finally! Anyway credit goes to Mike for his effort callin me up the day before that and invited me to play along at MAEPS.
Anyway, the epic (to me) story goes like this. Long crap writing warning!!!
Woke up early and went out to my college to pick up my camera and some stuffs. The road was freakin jammed and crawlin. It's kinda painful to drove into the traffics with a heavy clutch pedal. Damn it. Some more the petrol smell (because of external fuel pump and surge tank inside) make me high. And was searching some tires which Wangsa Maju area sold it quite expensive. Damn it.
Along the way, an hour on the road, the engine kinda "BOP BOP" and its idling was kinda unsteady. Afraid of possible problem, I switched off all unnecessary electric usage such as aircond and radio and drove slowly to Jeembo's Garage which is situated at Kajang. From Cheras to Wangsa Maju to Kajang. What a trip.
When I arrived, Man, the chief foreman was there with one of their new foreman which I forgot his name. Sorry bro. Hehehe. So, I told Man the symptoms and he suggest to change the plug along with the oil change that I asked them.
So, here the stuffs. This time kinda budget tight. So I opt the Petronas Syntium 15W-50. A bit thick I guess. Did it to slow down the leakage at gasket area. And Toyota oil filter too.
The 'old' oil that lasted 3000km. Well, 2500+ km only actually. Since I am going to thrashed the car on a track, why not change it. Anyway, look at the damn dirty and 'black' oil.
And the new spark plug. Dunno why Man opt the Nissan brand. The previous spark plug stain showed that the combustion is in its 'proper' way. The previous previous spark plug was in shitty condition. Got carbon here and there.
And I tested the car. First thing that I found is that the idling had dropped significantly! Before this it was 1.8k at idling and it was not stable as it goes up and down all the time. And sometime I heard the misfiring at the exhaust note. And whenever I cold start the engine, some carbon will shoot out of the exhaust and staining my home's floor. And when on high rev, which is the max for me is at 4.5k, sometimes the engine was like not getting enough spark to burn the fuel.
Which this new plug, the idling was at 1.1k and the idling is steady so far. No up and down and no more misfiring. And it does not stained my floor anymore. Finally a proper combustion. And free revving without a problem. Problem solved for now! I still need an AFC to get the proper air-fuel ratio so that the engine can show it's max potential.
Proper photo of my new BOV. The 'woosh' is low profile and quieter.
While waiting for them to service Rolla, I went out a tire shop nearby JMG. Bought four sets of used tires. Total up with my rear tires and another pair donated by Din Longchamp, I have eight sets of tires just for the event! Wohoo!
So here's a new size for the rim. Instead of using my usual size which is 195/55/15, this time I opted the 185/55/15 and the other pair was 195/65/15. A bit hippari compare to the previous size.
After everything had settled, I rushed to the MAEPS which is situated near the Cyberjaya. Took me another 30minutes to arrived. I arrived around 6pm I think. And it was raining heavily. I quickly took out everything from the car and ready to go! Also I bought a friend of mine. Known her for a looooong time ago and what a coincidence when she was in KL that day and in Cheras to be exact. So she followed me.
Ok, so here's the first run where I was checking out the track and getting the feel. She was screaming every time I took a corner. Hahaha. And I got a 'bodoh' at the end of the clip. She freaked out. Hahahaha.
And after the first few laps, guess what? The car was "POP POP POP" all the way! Idling dropped till 0.6k and the engine keep shutting down and I cannot rev more than 3k. I was fucked up! And it was only 6.30pm! And Din Longchamp and D18X ( Drifter Seksyen 18 Xtreme park, previously known as Budget Drifer) were there too. They keep sourcing the problem of my car. A lot of help and effort from them checking out the engine in heavy rain! Thanks guys!
They pointed out that it is maybe because of the insufficient fuel going up inside the engine. They checked the regulator and found out it is working normally. Also checked out the fuel pump which is working properly too. And Mike showed up and told me maybe it was the Air Flow Sensor fucked up due to moist entering it.
Dunno which one, I kinda frustrated and since we both are wet already, I told her that we are packing up and lets go somewhere to eat and went back. I left the track around 7pm and was frustrated coz I put a lot of effort to get ready for that day. I drove slowly due to the problem and when I arrived at home, the car is running normal again! What the effffff!
Took a damn long bath coz I was frustrated and I decided to go back to MAEPS! Hahahaha. Along the way I was speeding and the car did not show any problem at all! Arrived again, and unload all the stuffs inside and I quickly get inside the track for some fun.
Anyway, to get a clear view of the track, here's a video of Mike drifting in the dark. Video credits to Wandy.
Here's one of the successful run. Track was still wet and I cannot go fast on straight due to boost kicking in and the tires were spinning most of the time. After all I kept changing gears at 4k RPM and when I was drifting, I released the throttle whenever the RPM hits 4000. Hehehe. Anyway I was using third gear all the way and dumping the clutch only at the first corner.
And after few hours, I got pretty confident with the car and myself, I decided to follow Mike! This is my first time ever following someone when drifting. I followed Mike coz I trust him that he will not spun and ended up me banging his car.
So first run was.. A bit shitty line and I actually laughed at the end of the clip coz I manage to follow him somehow.
And here's another run with him. He's FAST. And after a few round, he told me that I actually can drift. Compliment received! Weehoo~
So, I kept drifting till 12am. Was having fun with Din and his car too. Tsuiso-ing with Bobby that was driving Din's car. That was a freakin tiring day. What a day! And something that I learned is that MAF Sensor is sensitive. This is my second time having problems with MAF. Gotta cover up the MAF after this.
Oh, anyway, of eight tires that I brought, none of them were finished! Despite I was thrashing around with the car, my rear set never finished. Another bonus of the day! Well, I am gonna stack up the tires and will go for another session soon. And I am gonna wait for Din Longchamp and D18X group to join along next time.
How dirty was Rolla after the event?
First, check out my helmet. Battle stain.
Here's Rolla with it's dirtiness to the max. And my lucky number for the event was 4.
Sexy dirty back. See the 'bodoh' word? Hahaha.
Another shots of 'dirt' art.
Some photos from Kday of D18X. His car was freakin dirty too!
Back shot of mine, Din's and Kday's Rollas. Unfortunate to Din, his car was kinda in problem after the event, and today, the car entered a workshop after being towed at car wash for some major work. What work? Top overhaul and solving other problems! I told him to fit in the Blacktop 20valve and I hope he'll do it. Hehehehe.
And finally? Of course the owner's photo. Just woke up and asked my bro to snap this pic. My first time ever posing with the car. Hehehe.
And you know what? I don't think I am gonna sell my car. Not now. I think I am going to have more fun soon with Rolla. So? Sale canceled since the offer that I got was not 'convincing' enough.
And I am back to normal life and that is back to college. Damn it! I wish everyday was like yesterday. Sigh..
On the other hand; I need some sponsorship for the car! Anyone wanna give? =P