Basically, I had bought all their second-hand 15' tires for this month. And I got another 2 from their last stock. Muahahaha. Good deeds helpin them clearing their shop. Kekekeke. OK, so I had tried different sizes for Rolla. My front set is using 195/50/15 coz need to clear the fender when turning, while rear size I had tried a few different sizes. From 195/60/15 used in MARDI last week and my Rolla abit tall at the back and scrapping rear arch sometimes, 195/55/15 is my usual sizes for rear, and the latest one is 185/55/15 which make it a bit 'baloon' or hippari. Since all the rims are 7j, mix and matching the sizes makes it easy for me to guess the correct size for fender clearance.
More stocks for this weekend drift. Nyum.

The shop's name. Hi Speed Tyre Services Sdn Bhd. Workers are very friendly. Pricing.. Still moderate charges. Hmm hmm. Recommended if you want a friendly and fast tyre service.

Tried the Oni in front. What do you guys think? I think.. Fugly. Need to be a rear set. Hehehe.

So, asked them to put back my Fondmetal set for front. Thick spacer for front to counter the pussy offset. Hahaha.

Back to JMG, show them the leakage. The red hose is meant for air gun. Duhh. Dunno why previous owner used it for fuel hose.

Man, the foreman replaced it with used BMW fuel hose. And done! No more leakage and smell.

Also, spotted this at JMG. Hmmm! 14 x 8.5 I think. This KE70 is the one I snapped few months back. Tires also special size and freakin expensive.

the oni not enough wide for ur front...
hmmm u must be half high when u're driving... :p
sorry for the out of topic question but is anyone aware of what i believe is Malaysian made suspension: GAB and Hotbits? Can anyone give me a rundown on each of them? Which one's better? Been scouring the net for info but no luck so far.. *sigh*. I am interested in their AE86 adjustable coilovers..
Josh, yeah. Always high! Trust me.. Oni meant for rear I guess.
Edgar, I had used GAB coil only for my Getz, while Din Longchamp used all the goodies from Hot Bits for his Getz.
So far I never heard problem from those two brands. The workmanship at Din's extractor & exhaust are pretty neat. Even my coil spring also so far so good until I sold it. Even the paint didn't peel off after 2years using it.
Both also same. Maybe you can try Titan too. Local made also I guess. But custom made one.
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