To me there are only a few that I categorized them as my REAL friend. The one that will not fuck up behind you, and will not stab behind you. So finally it make sense what my father used to said to me; 'If you want a long-term friends, dont stay in the same room with them in the college.' Hey, Im not saying my roomate NOW is sucks. What my dad meant is; dont get too close with them or you might hurt them or vice versa.
Its true. My classmates (few of them) do backstab behind me, talked bout me. And what's so unfair bout it, I dont talk bad bout em! Plus, most of the girls in the class now kinda dislike me thanks to the bad talk my so called 'friends' made. Its not that I care bout the girls, as they are TRULY not my taste and not so beautiful after all. If they are, I might consider to fight the rumors. LOL.
So.. Here's my new friend that wont bullshit, betray me. And the best, wont back-talk behind me.
Claire Bulat! What? Claire Bennet (Heroes!?)! Nope! Claire Bulat. HAHAHA. Just Bulat also can.

Welcome to the family!