The car was last seen heading south, after Melaka. Please keep an eye out for Russ' baby. He put in a lot of time, effort, and needless to say, money, to build this beast.
Please contact Nicole (Russ' wife) at 012-6900120 if you do see the car. A reward is provided.
"russwestwood on November 15th, 2008 5:30 am
Now, I want to make this clear that there is a RM52,000 (USD15,000) cash reward for anyone who can help me get my car back.
If you have any contacts or know of anyone or friends in the shipping line, customs, port authorities whom can locate and stop the shipping process, inform the police, help stop my car from being shipped out, the cash reward will be yours.
If you know anyone at the border checkpoints to Thailand also, there might be a chance of it moving across the border.
Personally I feel that the car will be shipped out, as the car was stolen whole with no damage left from the crime scene. And if it is shipped, it should be by container. Anyone with information on shipping especially with the regards to container shipping, please help.
The chassis number is: BNR34-004751
The engine number is: RB260725904
Once again, it is a blue Nissan Skyline GTR.
Should the car be found almost bare and stripped down, there is still a reward of RM30,000. So please, help me find my car."
Owh ini yang kau bilang tadi ... Besar reward nyer ... Will be on da look out .. Sayang sekali 34 GTR ..
If its last seen going towards south..
Maybe it will be going to S'pore or Australia...
Will try to keep an eye on that beautiful GTR-34
Let us open our eyes and be on the lookout!
i will keep an eye here even i doubt it will go thru thailand.
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