Sigh.. 4more papers to go before Im on holiday. Today damn tired. Quite a time since my last update. So here goes today's activity.
Slept at 6am yesterday and woke up at 10am. Wait for Mok at UTM and then we went for a movie, Quantum Of Solace. Emm.. Not bad, just didnt kick like usual Bond movies. Nevertheless, still a good movie of the months!
Got sunshade from the movie also:

And, the return of the retarded driver. Gosh, this is just too good to be missed! What an ass! I guess the driver is special coz:
*Parked at handicap parking lot. I dont see any "
Careful, retarded driver onboard" sticker.
*And then, take TWO fucking slot just for himself. WTF? I guess the driver must be blind also!

Typical behaviour of KL driver. I hope driver like this should die A.S.A.P coz too retard to be on the road.
And then went to see Dad at Bangi. Argh.. Damn far. Timesquare + jammed to Bangi take about 1hour. My car behave better now since last service. Hehehe. Forgot to update coz busy with exam. I had changed the ATF oil to a Castrol brand and I tried the Idemitsu Extreme Touring 10W40 Semi Synthetic. I'm very satisfied with the improvements. Less sluggish when changing gears and Getz feel much better with the smooth acceleration. And as usual, it was done at
DoriDori, my favourite auto garage. Price also reasonable. Do visit them and give it a try!

And then, halfway at Cheras got jammed. I thought got roadblock or what. Eventually there is a murder scene I guess. Emm, I missed the bustop coz way back when I was in school, this is the place for me to wait for the bus. Damn tiring waiting the bus to come. G should try the bus first before advising us to change lifestyle. After they tried, maybe
lah most of us can change lifestyle. Buying a lot of Mercedes instead of using our 'national' Perdana also consider changing lifestyle eh? Stupid G as usual. Every words that came out of their mouth are lies, lies, and more lies. Those who trust them also more stupid. Malaysia is full with stupid people everywhere. Check out my blog also enough to see how much there is here.. Chiaow for now~
Now, I want to make this clear that there is a RM52,000 (USD15,000) cash reward for anyone who can help me get my car back.
If you have any contacts or know of anyone or friends in the shipping line, customs, port authorities whom can locate and stop the shipping process, inform the police, help stop my car from being shipped out, the cash reward will be yours.
If you know anyone at the border checkpoints to Thailand also, there might be a chance of it moving across the border.
Personally I feel that the car will be shipped out, as the car was stolen whole with no damage left from the crime scene. And if it is shipped, it should be by container. Anyone with information on shipping especially with the regards to container shipping, please help.
The chassis number is: BNR34-004751
The engine number is: RB260725904
Once again, it is a blue Nissan Skyline GTR.
Should the car be found almost bare and stripped down, there is still a reward of RM30,000. So please, help me find my car."