So the point is; to sell or not?
Selling points:
*Im free from old car problems but Im going to miss a part of myself which is the car.
*Its time for me to search another platform that is more suitable for drifting purpose. KE70 perhaps? But too common nowadays.
*My parents will stop all their bla bla bla bout the car and me.
*Wallet will be thicker as long as I dont have an old car.
*Im not bounded by any car related commitment.
*I dont have a steady income to fed the car.
*The car problems is beyond my budgets. Interior bodyworks are almost RM1.5k+, engine wise is around RM1k+, paintjob? Handling stuffs? Etc etc.
Not selling points:
*Its my first car, so I should really keep it for my old days soon.
*Can you find 10 808s on the road nowadays? Rarity factor that keep me thinking again.
*This is the car that had been keeping me and Mok more close to each other.
*This is the car that connect me to the oldschool communities and making a lot of friends day by day.
*This is the car that made this blog alive and more interesting! XD
*I want to drift the car one day.
Hmmmmmm. Im in the middle of both of them. Should I or shouldnt I? I hope I can find one peaceful day so that I can sat down and think bout it. Its hard to make a decision as Im still under my parents wing which most poeple called it parents money so their judgements and words really does take into the account.
Saya anak mak, LOL. Or in English, Im a momma boy :)
To sell or not to sell?
Day 1 with the car.
Rims arrived.

Replacing all the working parts and adjustable installed.

Flaring the car.

And finally, the reason why I wanna to let go of the car. Running away from more problems.

Bro, you have many decades to live. If you feel the car is consuming too much of your life, to life it.. then you should do something to fix that. (ie; sell it).
Focus on your studies first, you'll get a good job. Plenty of money to invest in your car(s).
Dont have to rush man ;)
Keep it there, you can leave it without fixing for some time until you are more financially prepared.
Just like my Charmant, it needs heck loads of attention, but I'm halting my progress and keep it as a weekend driver/drifter still.
You're still young (very), and trust me, your bumblebee can WAIT.
Hi, me again..
Each time i am faced with any investment related decisions, i try to simulate each option. In your case, Rosso, can you imagine how would you feel if you sell the car? It's either relief or sad. If it's relief, go ahead and sell it. If you would feel sad about it, keep it! Selling it is something that can be done anytime. Getting it back, however, is not.
That was how i decided to buy my 4A-GE engine. It was very expensive but i thought that i would regret not buying it and seeing it sold to someone else considering how rare it is here, so i went ahead and paid for that damn f*cker.
I mean Stanley's right, you would be grateful if someday you managed to get a steady income and able to work on your beloved 808 and put some rotaries and LSD in it. LOL.
Keep it in a safe place until you had the time and resources to fix it. That's what i would say. I personally had spend more than 20k on my TE and my dad was darn piss about it ^^~
but what can do? i was totally in-love with mango and i wasn't planing to let it go (except i totaled it)~
admit it, old car had soul, they were unique in their's way, just like you say, how much TE you would see on road a day? Not much were still up and running after 30 years of wear and tear apply on them.
So those which survived deserved our love~ just that were you strong enough to love it(him/her)
take your time ;) they can wait, a few years maybe~
please dun sell it!u will regret after u sell me...actually im having the same problem with you are having now...but those problems won't be changing my mind to sell off my kp61...i having a lots of nice memories funs with it although i just own it for 1 year+++...its not serious problem can be fix!i always told myself like that...just need some time only... the same situation as u...but in my case...most probably will sell it after my buyer ady..sigh...gonna be separated wif my ceffy ady...sigh
ha ha ha gencos....gencos....think before u act...if u think too much u dont act...remember the 2 most important thing when rebuilding an olskool money and time...but the real question is do u got what it take...
ak just bleh kata camni je...
kalau ko btol2 minat old skool....
ko akan sanggup berbuat ape saje demi old skool tercinta....
bagi aku baik ko stay ngn 808....
bape banyak 808 yang ade kat malaysia skg...
makin lama main banyak yang kene scrap....
pastu igt tujuan ko....
nak drift pakai 808....
dalam drift world....
808 adalah kete yang jarang digunakan tuk drift...
apa kata ko jadi orang yang pakai 808 tuk drift....
mmg mantap n mabeles bro....
anyway fokus mar...
do not lost focus....
p/s : jadilah cam aku, walaupun k10 ak terpaksa dijual atas sebab family matters, ak still stick ngn k10 gak walaupun mak ak siap offer myvi pada masa akan dtg.....
Cinta tak berbalas story again..
What I will do if i were in your shoes right now.. with your current financial status and commitment level.. But hey, im just addicted to drifting.. so this could be good for me only i guess.. Budget around 2k ish and keep on piling up as i buy tires, fuel and maintenance.. but knowing i beat the shit out of my car and make it run trough it paces will put a smile on my face everyday
1. Get the El cheapo 1.8 engine with the 5 speed GB.. The hell with the old engine.. who need endorsement shish haha.. gonna blow the engine in a couple of years if im lucky enough..
2. The hell with the body works and rusties shit.. I will tear up all the rust and send to kedai welding pagar rumah to get it fix cincai2 or just use fiberglass..
3. I'll get or just steal from any tersadai car, 2 more spare axles or crown gear and weld the current crown gear up..
4. Lower the rear using lowering block
5. Then drift the car every single weekend or every single time i have money to spend on tire and fuel..
6. On the 3rd week it is drifted, it is going to get into a few crash..
7. In 2-4 years i will total the car in a drift day at bukit jalil while entering the first turn at 5500 rpm on third gear going 100KM/h (1ts a std engine duh) when clutch kick and then hitting the tire barrier and tumble the car 3 time and land on its roof.. Then in most awesomeness fashion being carried away to nearby hospital in an ambulance..
Hehe But this is what i think you should do.. If u want a daily driver..
But dude.. If u dont have the dough just keep it under a cover aite.. Just like my piece of shit, Still under cover and no progress is done to it, When i dont have the money to spend on the car i just do do nothing to it.. and i've been using the car for a longer period than you..
1. Just spend on the welding works for the whole car.. When you have the dough..
2. Change to a more reliable and easy to maintain engine.. screwed what people want to comment..
3. Install an A/C..
4. Done..
Know ur pace(budget and time available) and make clear of your goal (want a daily or a drift pig, cant have them all unless ur freakin rich)
One day cinta kau akan trbalas akan datang juga.. just wait.. Benda yang susah datang akan susah pergi.. if ada rezeki and jodoh, u will be sucessful in your build.. relax je ok..
-TAMMAT- Sekian coretan aku..
jaguh..gila panjang karangan ko..time spm xsempat karang pjg2 ke??lol..
by...don't sell it..
we're gonna figure out something to fix that car k???
mybe will be doing business or something else..
or I will be working part-time to gain money for our future and that car...
it keeps us together..remember that always..
luv u...
think about it properly k??
bro,it's your the heaviest BUT in the world, if i'm in your shoes, no way i'm gonna sell it. yeah memang banyak nak kena invest, but someday when u look back what you have done, proud siot...
but again, it's your decision...kalau pasal rust, u should start planning what to do la...mcm myself, simpan duit for my Ronin...hopefully before next raya la siap...
skg ni pun tgh pikir2 nak loan RM20K just for my Ronin...
think about it ya!
p/s : if u wanna sell it, how much??hua hua hua...
How much? Was thinking around RM6k and everything with the car goes too.
Rm4k, I will take all stuffs that I had bought.
bro...keep it...hehe...
same as mine... no money...but a loooots of sh*t have to change..... but im still happy to own my car... slowly progress and someday... me and u will drift at that carpark i drift before with my stupid slip
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