Event was organized by KKL a.k.a Kelab Kereta Lama (or in English its Old Car Club). I went there just to released the exam tension and was surprised with the total attendance. Around 15cars showed up and one thing I'd love with retro car club; whatever models you have, whatever the brand it is, you are welcome to the club as long as you have INTEREST in retro cars. Same goes to drifters, as long as you are interested with cars that went sideways, you are welcome to join the TTs and so on. That's something different compare to other car's club.
Anyway, some random pics:
Chatting session.

Skyline + SR20DET yo!

I think I need more improvements on night shots.

Gotta love the sky from this angle.

gmbr ko bsr sgt la...
ptt ko upload pkai blogger punya je...
kalau nak tgk besar klik je.... xp
Nanti aku edit. Coz pakai dari Photobucket aku je. Malas nak upload twice.
Thanks for the notice.
pak bleh... edit la my car plate.. lol
Too lazy to edit coz different photo format.
nice pic man!!!
oowh amar....smart r kte korg...=)
hmmm...wheres the rest?nk tgk pic laen...
Thank you Vince.
Annoymous, sila lah visit website dia kalau nak view semua. Coz too big to be put here. Nanti page aku slow down.
Nice and unique skyline!!
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