Budget? I think its must be around RM300-400. Will ask Mok if she wanna go or not. We will be staying there if we go. 4peoples maximum. So? Still waiting for TK to sum up the budget. My bucket seat can come later. I dont mind if I didnt get it now. Can take later. Coz during November, I probably cant go far coz my parents will be going for Haji.
cant go lar....19 on sunday....i got lecture...haiz....
where will the even be?
Kg Gajah, Perak! Woot. Lets go Eric!
Eric, for more details, visit
19th .. ?? hmm .. Final just round the bend, hmmm but can still study there, no problem .. Still got some spare money laying around from my job .. DVD can come later .. All the necessary thing like new alternator , tanduk , new battery , fixed AC n tinted has been fixed on KEtam .. She's at her prime now .. but lets just go with getz .. i still haven't change the tyre .. if mok follows i try to find a gurl keep her accompany , but cant promise anything now ..
Lets do the budget breakdown ..
Track fees - 100 per doraibas
Accommodation - 50 per person if we have enough ppl to follow
Fuel - hmm roughly 50 or 80 per pax
Food - Maggi cukup wahaha , no lah 50 for 2 days ..
So ON KA XON?!!! Hehehhee.
K&N filter will be install this week~ Wee.... So how? ON la!!!
cite camner .. ?? Go on Sunday monink .. ?? Then after event Chiao miows .. coz the next day got class bah .. importante class cant skip and the other class i already skipped twice .. cant afford to skip again .. SMS me lar amar .. ak tak on9 lama ..
dude...abt the air filter,read from the link below..got explain abit
and here is the reason why i choose apexi
hehe. tq kazu. but i already drove Getz with K&N, it does improve pickup. open pod case for getz 1.3 had been discussed in getz forum. thus to be safe, i better opt the drop in. less hassle.
disember 19th?
erm... i'll try to see if i have time. need a gal company, i can bring my gal along.
Boleh juga Eric. :)
no gurl donwant to ikot..
amar-->find a company for me..ask jaguh ka..
soh gk die cari..
bout the mkn2 thingy for da trip i can settle la...
house very near,can take da food from there,no hal..
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