Early January, bought my beloved Bumble Bee. Bone stock. I'd say this is the beginning of my automotive journey.
And also, Getz was standardize back to fund Bee's project.
And also, was getting more serious on photography. Got a few job and I hope people will start recognizing my photography one day.
Eary November, broke off with my ex-girlfriend due to a few misunderstanding. Well, maybe I was not good enough and mostly the problems were from me. And also, lost one of my best buddy due to a misunderstanding too perhaps? So lesson learned from that issue.
And this one is for Mr Anon, who's desperate enough to see some of the X6 photos. I had decided not to put the pics, but you want it. You want to see my income statement too?
My parents signing the agreement.

Late November, due to some issue and also finally I lost interest with Bee, so sold it off. And the replacement is Rolla. Time to get serious in drifting. And Rolla got her first sponsorship from Retro Bodykits. Jeya was kind enough to gave me some of their products. Wohoo.

And through out this year, Din Longchamp was kind enough to lend me his KE70. Thanks to him, I had developed some drifting basic and theory.
Eary November, broke off with my ex-girlfriend due to a few misunderstanding. Well, maybe I was not good enough and mostly the problems were from me. And also, lost one of my best buddy due to a misunderstanding too perhaps? So lesson learned from that issue.
And this one is for Mr Anon, who's desperate enough to see some of the X6 photos. I had decided not to put the pics, but you want it. You want to see my income statement too?
My parents signing the agreement.

My dad posing in front of the car. And FYI, the color is white too. So that's the reason I'm painting Rolla with white color too. So that all the cars at home are white color.

And this is my income statement from 22.12.09 to 31.12.09. We were paid weekly. See, just RM2.5k this week. I just censored my name and my user name only for my private data. And in case you are wondering what my mom's numbers are, it's RM10k-30k per week. Are you satisfied now? And in case you are finally interested, visit this site and read as much as you want.

And that was a year. Gosh, time fly so fast yet I didn't change much except gaining some weight. Haha.
So, 2010 resolution and target?
*Find a new girlfriend. Guess I have to start it all over again. Searching the right one is painful for me as I don't have any good qualities and also not good looking are the extra bonus. Single is sucks. No partner to share stories, and bla bla bla. Y'all know the rest.
*Improve my photography. Wanna experiment more angle, more editing technique, more style. But first, I need to buy a new camera. Haha. Maybe a mid-entry level camera.
*Finishing my diploma and further my study. I'm on my final semester in UTM and will try my best not to screw up my final results. Wanna further my study maybe at UKM, UM, UPM, or maybe UiTM Shah Alam. I want to get close to my home. Hahaha. Currently Diploma in Civil Engineering. My CGPA is OK OK only, around 3.42 now. Degree in Environmental Engineering or Road Engineering maybe.
*Lost some weight and fat. Hahahaha. I was collecting a lot of em this year.
*Full Solat and become a good muslimin. I rarely got it full, so wanna try it again so that I become less Jahil and a good Muslim boy.
*More drifting and wanna try my luck in drift events. The biggest aim is to get a sponsorship. Kui kui kui. Hey, dreaming is free, so why not dream it BIG time.
I think that's all. I'm wishing y'all a good new year and whatever you are doing, I hope it will get better next year. Good health, good life, good mood and financially stable are what I'm seeking next year.
So, 2010 resolution and target?
*Find a new girlfriend. Guess I have to start it all over again. Searching the right one is painful for me as I don't have any good qualities and also not good looking are the extra bonus. Single is sucks. No partner to share stories, and bla bla bla. Y'all know the rest.
*Improve my photography. Wanna experiment more angle, more editing technique, more style. But first, I need to buy a new camera. Haha. Maybe a mid-entry level camera.
*Finishing my diploma and further my study. I'm on my final semester in UTM and will try my best not to screw up my final results. Wanna further my study maybe at UKM, UM, UPM, or maybe UiTM Shah Alam. I want to get close to my home. Hahaha. Currently Diploma in Civil Engineering. My CGPA is OK OK only, around 3.42 now. Degree in Environmental Engineering or Road Engineering maybe.
*Lost some weight and fat. Hahahaha. I was collecting a lot of em this year.
*Full Solat and become a good muslimin. I rarely got it full, so wanna try it again so that I become less Jahil and a good Muslim boy.
*More drifting and wanna try my luck in drift events. The biggest aim is to get a sponsorship. Kui kui kui. Hey, dreaming is free, so why not dream it BIG time.
I think that's all. I'm wishing y'all a good new year and whatever you are doing, I hope it will get better next year. Good health, good life, good mood and financially stable are what I'm seeking next year.
Happy 2010!