Check out the rear wheels! Farkin bloody offset Meshies!
Some JDMness inside the boot too. And it is up for sale yaww!
The wheels that are up for sale. Do contact me if you are interested.
Fixing Rolla.
Remember this car? Ring any bell?
Its Din's car. Din sold it to Hashim and the car had been stripped apart. Everything were sold by pieces. From the chassis to the engine, gearbox and LSD. Its kinda sad to see the car like this. This was my first car that I used to learn drifting. From the 4k Weber to the 16v 4A.

Went to a tire shop to have an alignment setup for Rolla but taking like forever so canceled it.

Around 6pm, went to the Section 18 track to have some fun. Zamil was there too with his Corolla.
Getting ready to enter the course.
Some video of Zamil drifting. Yea still need a proper suspension.
And of course I was having fun too.
kete din dah sold parts by parts upenye....
Hehee boleh cube lagi nanti Nopall
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