Due to the dangerousness of our public road, and the risk of accident and bla bla bla by my parents. I mean no blessing from them, I do these to ease my wish:
First of all, thanks to Uncle for the bike. FOC. Just have to fix it to make it alive again. First day with me.

Stripped it.

And then paint it Yellow, and a black wheels. Send it to mechanic.

And its done!

Two weeks later? New kepok, stickers, exhaust and the list gonna continue. Just like Rolla. I guess the 'modding/restoring' addiction wont stop at Rolla only eh..?

Yamaha 125z windshield bolted on. Beng but I want it.

Kriss 2 spoiler and Uncle fix the wiring to make it alive during braking :D

And yes, I do wash the bike every week to make it looks as new as possible. Sad aite? Thanks to the Momos dream. LOL. Yes, I am glad and thankful to have the bike to go around, but yes, I wish it was the Momos. Anyway, I am gonna buy the Momos by any mean necessary. Urghh.
Found this replica shoe at JB before I went back to KL. Almost bought it. Sooo Ken Block damn it.

Urgh, nafsu nafsu. Ape kau ni kan...?
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