Sand papers, can spray, tape, silicon sealant, and car cement.
Seal the rear windscreen, and I did this. Kinda fugly for now coz I didnt sand it yet! Back to busy life.. Hahaha. Anway, I rather it looks like this compare to rust that is eating my fender.

Looks good I think. Hehehe. Anyway, this is just for temporary coz Im getting myself a wide fender soon. Hehehe.

No need to smooth the fender bro... let it be rough.. Susah sikit nak rosak n pecah simen..
Take it slow.. no need to rush..
Ya betul bro. Mmg will leave it pun.
aloo bro amar..maaf mengganggu. aku pengikut setia blog ko..haha! aku nafis, mmg ko x kenal aku. slalu follow blog ko pn sbb aku peminat old xde pn kete old timer..bapak aku x bg beli..huhuu..insyaalah bile aku dh start keje nnt, dpt gaji pertama trus aku beli. aku nk tanye sket psal hal yg ko simen fender ko ni,sory la wlaupn dh lame post ko ni..baru skg aku tanye. mane ko beli car cement tu ek? yg EverCoat hard putty tu ape lak r? sbb aku ingat nk follow ko je DIy kat satria berkudis aku nie..plz amar, sakit mata tgk daa
Ak bli je kat kedai hardware.. Cakap je nak semen kete.. Hehe.
Aku pun sorry lambat reply..
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